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Tree Blog

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6 Common Warning Signs That Tree Removal Is Needed

A tree adds value and ambience to your property. It provides shade, wind protection, privacy and other benefits. However, tree removal is necessary in some situations. What are some signs that your tree should be removed soon?

Storm Damage

While trees generally hold up well to the elements, they can be damaged under some conditions. High winds, for example, can break large branches or even cause the tree to be uprooted. A major ice storm can result in a thick accumulation of ice that causes breakage. When a tree is significantly damaged, it should be removed.

A Dead or Dying Tree

While many types of trees lose their leaves and appear lifeless during the winter, a healthy tree will green up again in the spring. If a tree remains bare throughout the growing season, it likely has died. A tree with discolored limbs or trunk is in waning health. As the tree weakens, it becomes a health hazard to anyone nearby.

Exposed or Rotting Roots

Tree roots can decay in the ground. You may spot signs of decay such as early leaf loss, mushroom growth near the roots or limb dieback. If the roots are exposed, even if the tree seems otherwise healthy, it is more likely to fall over or fail.

Disease or Infestation

Pests can infest a tree, causing it to weaken and ultimately die. Diseases, including those from a fungus, can also lead to weakness and death. In addition to visible pests and fungus, a sick tree may have wilting or discolored leaves, unhealthy fruit, spots on the trunk and depressions in the trunk or branches.

Excessive Leaning

Tree branches grow at various angles, giving each one a unique look. However, if the entire tree is leaning more than 15 degrees, its likelihood of tipping is significant. This likelihood grows as the trees grows and is particularly significant during severe weather.

Impact to Other Plants or Structures

An area that seems like a great location to plant a tree may not be so ideal as it grows. Both branches and roots can interfere with underground pipes, overhead utility lines, nearby structures and other vegetation. When the benefits of the tree are lower than the risks and downsides, it’s time to consider removing it.

Safe, Efficient Tree Removal Service

Removing a tree is an arduous task that exposes you and your property to danger. The safe and efficient way to remove a tree is to let a professional team of arborists do the work. For tree removal service in Salem, OR, contact our experts at Altar Tree Service today.