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3 Practical Ways to Evaluate Tree Safety

Experts advise that you inspect all trees on your property at least once every year. This is because a tree hazard is often a serious issue that can cause injuries or even death. When evaluating tree safety, make sure you check the bark, roots, and branches. Let’s consider each aspect.

1. Check the Roots of Your Tree

Trees with damaged roots are likely to topple during a storm and potentially compromise safety. Unfortunately, a lot of factors can lead to root damage. One of these is improperly cutting roots when installing a patio, driveway, or sidewalk.

Also, when evaluating tree safety by appraising the root system, make sure you check whether tree roots are growing at the soil surface. Roots grow predominantly at the surface when there is insufficient irrigation. This means water does not go deep enough; hence, the roots will try to come to the surface in search of it.

Roots that grow at the soil surface cannot anchor trees securely, and such trees can fall when you least expect, possibly causing injuries. It is recommended that you call a local arborist to help you fix root-related problems.

2. Inspect the Bark

Next, you should inspect your tree’s bark to make sure it is healthy. The bark plays a crucial role in the overall health of a tree. It does this by keeping the interior of the tree safe. A tree with damaged bark can be a hazard.

The bark of your tree can be damaged by equipment such as trimmers and mowers. Tying or nailing things to the tree can also damage the bark. When the bark is damaged, disease-causing pathogens and insects are likely to invade it, thereby weakening it even further.

If the issue is not taken care of early enough, your tree may start to lose its branches. This can be extremely dangerous, especially if the tree is a large one. For this reason, work with a professional tree care company to keep your tree’s bark healthy all year round.

3. Look for Dead or Broken Branches

Did you know that broken or dead branches are infamously referred to as “widow-makers”? That is because they tend to fall unexpectedly, and they can cause injuries or even death if they land in the wrong places.

Having said that, tree safety evaluation is incomplete if you do not assess the condition of your tree’s branches. Healthy branches should sprout green leaves up to the branch tips. They should also be large and divide into small twigs.

If you notice anything odd with the branches of your tree, it is time to call a professional tree service company. Using the right equipment, the company will spot exactly what is wrong with your tree, and this can prevent it from becoming a hazard.

Damaged trees can compromise your safety in many different ways. They can also be a potential hazard to your neighbors. This is why it is recommended that you assess the safety of your trees regularly. At Altar Tree Service., we are professional arborists dedicated to helping the residents of Salem, OR keep their trees healthy and safe, so call us today.