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Fertilizing Your Trees in Fall Keeps Them Healthy All Year

Applying fertilizer in the fall is one of the most important things you can do to keep your trees as healthy as possible. Knowing how and when to fertilize your trees is essential to proper tree care. Altar Tree Service can give you advice on how and when to fertilize your trees for the best results.

Mimics Natural Cycles

Trees spend energy throughout the growing season. They must produce leaves, grow new branches, and produce flowers or fruit. During the autumn, the leaves fall and provide slow-release nutrients to help trees prepare for the next year. Providing a fall fertilizer mimics the natural nutrient cycles of the trees.

Our modern landscaping practices can strip trees of this natural cycle when we rake the leaves and clean up debris. These items would stay on the ground in a forest, eventually decaying to recycle nutrients and keep them healthy. Also, turf grasses can compete for important nutrients. Fall fertilizing helps trees recover as they overwinter.

Signs Your Trees Need Fertilizing

Your trees can give you signs that they need fertilizer. One of them is that they turn color earlier than others in the area. If your tree is turning color while others are lush and green, nutrients could be the problem. Another sign is branch dieback. Leaves that look curled or “sick” during the growing season might be another sign that your trees need some attention. If your trees are showing any of these signs, a fall fertilizer can help them recover and return to health in the spring.

Focus on Strong Roots

During the fall, trees focus their attention on growing strong roots instead of leaves and new branches. Fertilizing in fall provides nutrients near the roots and encourages the development of a sturdy root system. This improves the overall health of the tree and will result in more foliage, fruit, or flowers next growing season. Fall fertilizing helps trees build a solid foundation.

Improves Flowers and Fall Color

For flowering and fruiting trees, fall fertilizing gives them the nutrients they need to put on a better show next year. It also means that their fall colors will be more vivid. Nutrient loss during the growing season makes deciduous trees and bushes go from green to brown more quickly. Fall fertilizing can help them produce beautiful magenta, oranges, reds, and yellows.

Proper fertilizing in the fall can help the tree to recover from conditions like overwatering, improper mulching, and insect damage. Aside from fertilization, trimming and pruning is another way to keep your trees in good health. Contact Altar Tree Service in Salem, OR, for help with fertilizing and other tree care needs.