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Why Hiring an Arborist for Maintenance Keeps Your Trees Thriving

gardener watering a tree

Trees need care to stay healthy and live long lives, and that’s how arborists can help. Arborists are tree specialists with the knowledge and skills to make trees thrive. Here is why investing in professional arborist maintenance is a smart decision for your trees and your property. Identifying and Addressing Tree Problems Early Trees cannot […]

Hire Commercial Tree Services to Prevent Common Problems

Commercial tree services can safeguard your business landscape, protect the health of your trees and reduce the risks of a pest infestation. When you remove dead or weak branches from the area, you also reduce the entry points for pests. Trimming improves the air and sunlight exposure to all areas of the tree, increasing its […]

Simple and Easy Spring Maintenance Planning Tips

Trimming tree with electric saw

Snow and sleet are common in Oregon during the long winter months. Once spring arrives, you’ll see the sun peeking through the gray sky and notice the temperature rising. That’s when you’ll have the chance to see how winter weather has affected your trees. It’s never too early to start planning for spring and think […]

5 Signs You Need to Let That Tree Go

Broken tree trunk and branches after a freezing rain.

It’s not always easy to tell whether a tree is just having a bad year or if it really is on its way out. The decline can be gradual enough not to produce a dramatic change that would catch your attention. Many people simply ignore the problem or keep putting off maintenance right up until […]

4 Signs Your Trees are Encroaching on Walkways or Driveways

Broken tree limb from storm damage laying on a lawn

Trees add beauty and shade to your property, but when they encroach on pathways or driveways, it can be a major safety hazard. Knowing the signs of encroaching trees will help you determine if trimming them for clear passage is necessary. Here are four common signs that your trees encroach on walkways or driveways. 1. […]

Unveiling the Hidden Dangers of Neglected Trees

professional cutting, arborist pruning, cutting back, removing leafless bare mature branches safely. tree surgeon working using old chainsaw, hanging on multiple ropes, equipment. autumn cloudy

While trees provide beauty, shade, and environmental benefits, they can become potential hazards if neglected. Trees can develop various issues that compromise their health and stability, posing risks to your property. Deteriorating trees can lead to the complete removal of the tree. The following are some key dangers associated with neglected trees. Falling Branches and […]

4 Types of Trees That Need Trimming in the Fall

Lumberjack with saw and harness climbing a tree

Fall in Salem, OR marks the transition from the warm weather of summer to the colder winds and rain of the coming winter. If you have many different types of trees on your Salem, OR property, you should know there are certain trees that are best trimmed during this time of the year. Pruning these […]